Valley of Unity
by Farid ud-Din AttarEnglish version by Sholeh Wolpé
Original Language Persian/Farsi
Arrive in the Valley of Unity
and give up everything except the absolute.
All who traverse this valley
will leave sharing a single collar.
Here, the many and the few
will merge and meld into one.
When many are united in the One forever,
then all inside the One is a perfection.
This is not a place for uniformity;
here you find unity in diversity.
Everything here is outside of time,
outside of measurements,
so forget about the Beginning,
forget about the End.
The Beginning is lost;
the End stretches to eternity.
Don't bother with them, they're irrelevant.
And since all is really nothing,
then nothing is truly everything.
-- from The Conferences of the Birds, by Attar / Translated by Sholeh Wolpé |
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